Monday, February 9, 2009

1st birthday parties, upsy daisy cakes and non mumsy-mums.

Upsy Daisy Cake

I am the most non-mumsy mum I know. While my friends in mothers' group were all planning and looking forward to our first 'fruit of our loins' one year old birthdays, I seriously couldn't be bothered.

No, it's more than that: I would rather put my hand in a blender than organise a 1st birthday party.

I mean the kids aren't gonna remember it are they? And I'll be running around like a pork chop making sure everyone has enough food and drinks (man will I need a drink, what with 10 toddlers on the scene). Baaah humbug.

So, I know it's not fashionable amongst the more earnest set of mums that I know, but seriously folks! Is the malarky of a 1st birthday really worth the effort? I think not. But I am prepared to be corrected. Maybe there's some aspect of the first birthday I just haven't appreciated... yet.

I mean there's the cleaning and preening the house beforehand to show the world that despite having a toddler, you are still the hip and ever so happening person you were before you had kids. Yeah right.

Then there's the preparation of party food. Now everyone expects party food, but how do you cater to toddlers whose parents (including me) don't give their kids anything with sugar or salt in it? And do the 'big' kids (AKA adults) eat party food?

The staple of every good birthday party in Australia is the chocolate crackle. Now I love a chocolate crackle... so maybe I have mused upon a small silver lining in this 1st birthday fiasco...

Hmmm but back to my rant...

And then there's the clean up of smooshed in cake in carpet after the event... not my idea of bliss. And while I can't complain about my DH on any particulars, it will be me who notices what needs doing. Such is life.

Instead we had a small family affair at home with my mum and brothers along too. And OK I'll admit it, aside from the immense benefits of chocolate crackles (please note we actually discussed the fact that alongside bananas and peanuts, chocolate crackles would be the best thing to have a lot of if you were stranded on a boat like in the Life of Pi).... Anyone who doesn't know what a chocolate crackle is... well where have you been? I might have to post a recipe...

But as I was saying, so aside from choccie crackles, I DID actually enjoy making my daughters cake. It called for a bit of lateral thinking - what lollies to use to help make an Upsy Daisy cake. Anyway, check out the photo of the cake (above) and tell me what you think.

At first when I realised I was the only one in my mothers' group that wasn't doing THE party, I wondered if I was somehow deficient. 

Naaah! While I'll love celebrating my daughters birthday when she is comprendes mendes about it, I am not prepared to go this further sacrifice right now, at a time still too-close-for-comfort to the day I gave birth!

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